Member benefits and FAQs

Member benefits and FAQs


Whether you’re a skier or a climber, whether you prefer a gym or the great outdoors, and whether you’re a weekend warrior or a full-time athlete, there’s a custom membership option for you.

Memberships and options are valid for one year.

Base membership

– 19+: $22 (includes accident and disability insurance)
– Under 19: $11 (includes accident and disability insurance)

Notice: Our insurance only covers people with a Quebec address.

Annual membership comes with certain advantages and options.


If you don’t have the Mountain Pass or Mountain Skiing options, or if you only plan to climb or ski on FQME sites a few times, you can register for a day membership online.

The day membership gives you access to all of the sites in our skiing and climbing networks and includes ldisability insurance for the day.

Note that unlike annual members, day members do not receive a discount for non-FQME sites (such as Val-David, Kamouraska, and Montagne d’Argent).

You can get memberships for one or more days of climbing/skiing and register multiple people at a time. It’s all automatic and you’ll receive your pass by email. All you have to do is show the email when asked.

Day memberships cost $10 per day of climbing. However, if you’re asked to show your membership but don’t have a day membership, Mountain Pass option, or Mountain Skiing option, you will need to pay $15.

Better safe than sorry!

Note : 

Day memberships: We will automatically email you a table showing your request for a day membership. This document will serve as your pass on FQME climbing sites.

Group day memberships: Click here to purchase more than 4 day memberships at once:

Annual memberships: Annual memberships are processed within 5 business days. For ecological reasons, we no longer send out plastic membership cards; you’ll receive a digital card by email once your request has been processed. Until then, you can use your PayPal receipt as proof of membership.

*Make sure to choose the Mountain Pass option to access climbing sites for free!

You can read our refund policy (in French) HERE before purchasing.

Adding an option

You can now add an option to your annual membership, even if you’ve already purchased the base membership.
IMPORTANT! You must send your receipt to to make the change. We do not check individual orders.

Once you’ve paid, send your receipt to to have the option added to your file.

We will send you a new membership card with the new option(s) within 5 business days.

Check out the FAQ below if you have any questions about memberships.